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Hello there!

Hi, I am a seasoned, hands-on 'T-Shaped' UX/UI digital product designer, strategist and researcher with a passion for humanizing cutting-edge technology. Over the last 15+ years, I have worked across various sectors, designing for and leading cross-functional teams through large and unconventional innovation challenges. In the past 5+ years, I have been creating innovative experiences in blockchain technology. Now, I am seeking my 'forever home' within an innovative organization working with new technologies, including machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). My goal is to apply my unique skills, extensive experience in cutting-edge technologies, and collaborative problem-solving mindset to your most challenging issues.

Product UX/UI Visual designer and researcher, specializing in creating Mobile Apps, Responsive Web Apps, Product Strategy, Figma Design, Prototyping and Design Systems. Past experience includes Innovation Lab and UX team leadership roles, overseeing mobile app and web app product design, and branding. Aareas of expertise encompass user experience design, product research and design, product strategy, innovation, team leadership, competitive analysis, information architecture, rapid prototyping, user testing, and understanding of HTML/CSS and Flexbox in responsive design planning. Leveraging a range of tools including Figma, Google Workspace, VSCode, Jira, AdobeXD, Illustrator, and Photoshop, Adobe CC.

Here are links to examples that further highlight my experience in branding and motion Design.

Reading list: The Bitcoin Standard - Saifedean Ammous, More Equal Animals - Daniel Larimer, Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Radical Markets - Eric A. Posner, Blue Ocean Shift - W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne, Hacking Growth - by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown, Digital Transformation - Lindsay Herbert, The Scrum Field Guide 2nd Edition - Mitch Lacey, Jamie Levy - UX Strategy; Hooked - Nir Eyal, How We Decide - Jonah Lehrer, Lean UX - Gothelf/Seiden, Why We Make Mistakes - Joseph T. Hallinan, UX For Lean Startups - Klein, Design + Code Swift - Ming To, Lean Analytics - Eric Ries & Benjamin Yoskovitz, Easy To Use - Sean Van Tyne, Living With Complexity - Norman, Evil By Design - Chris Nodder, The Design Of Everyday Things - Don Norman, The User Experience Team Of One - Leah Buley.